
Welcome to the Moderator page on the Town of Norwell website. The Moderator oversees Norwell’s Town Meetings, which serve as the community’s legislative body. Norwell has an “open” town meeting, which means that all registered voters are entitled to attend. As a result, without having to campaign, all registered voters automatically become municipal legislators. Please contribute to Norwell’s unique form of direct democracy by attending Town Meeting.

The procedural rules for Norwell Town Meetings are governed by a combination of state law, town by-law, and local practices. Follow the attached links to find Norwell’s by-laws (the rules governing Town Meetings are found in Article IV) as well as a Citizen’s Guide to Town Meetings, which has been prepared by the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office.

If you have any questions, or would like to have the Moderator visit your community group to discuss the town meeting process, please contact Matthew Greene through the Town Clerk's office at Town Hall.

Staff Contact

NameTitleTerm Expires
Matthew Greene

Town Moderator

