Auctioneer License

Auction Permits

Process Length: The Board of Selectmen must approve at a regularly scheduled meeting usually within 3 weeks.

Fees: Annual Permit - $150.00, Special Permit – $75.00 per day

Renewal Time: Annual Permits expire December 30 of the year it was issued. Special Permits are good for the day(s) requested only.

Notes: Annual Permits are issued to an auctioneer who operates an Auction House. Special Permits are issued on an individual basis for each auction.

Process: You must complete an Auctioneer application (either Annual Application or Special Application, whichever applies to you). The application should be turned in to us with a copy of your State Auctioneer’s License.

Once the Special Application is turned in, it is forwarded to the Police Department and Building Department for their recommendations. It is then reviewed and voted on by the Board of Selectmen at a regularly schedule meeting.

An Annual Application requires:

Once the application is completed and turned in it will be advertised as a Public Hearing. The applicant must notify the abutters by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. Applicants may secure this information by going to the Assessing Department at Town Hall where the property owners of record are listed. Certified Abutters List. The receipts must be turned into the Selectmen’s Office before the hearing.

Correspondence is sent to the Building Department, Board of Health, Fire Department, Treasurer, and Police Department for a recommendation.

Then the Selectmen will vote at the scheduled hearing date.

You should plan to attend the meeting since the Board may have questions regarding this license.

Also, the applicant is responsible for:

  • $50.00 fee for the Town of Norwell
  • Advertisement fee
  • Sending the Legal notice to the abutters via Certified Mail/Return Receipt and returning the receipts to the Selectmen's Office