OPEB Trust Fund Committee

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 3:00pm


Meeting Date 03/22/2016



Members: Ellen Allen, Peter Morin, Donna Mangan, Darleen Sullivan, Kiersten   Warendorf

Location: Selectmen’s Office-Meeting Room

Time: 3:00 PM



Item 1: Approval of minutes from last meeting on 2/25/2016

Item 2: Round table discussion regarding informational sessions with Rockland Trust, Plymouth County Treasurer and PARS representative. Discuss Pro’s and Con’s of both investment options. 

Item 3: Discussion related to making a decision on which vehicle we wish to invest our OPEB funds in. Items such as Investment Management Team, Fees, Risk, Discount Rate, and Flexibility/Control of local assets and investment decisions should all be part of the discussion.

Item 4: Discuss moving forward with a long term/long range funding policy we can live with in writing. Remember, this policy can be changed if the need arises in the future and situations change.

Item 5: Discuss next steps & action items. Set date for next meeting

Item 6: Adjourn meeting



Respectfully Submitted to the Town Clerk on Thursday March 17, 2016, by Darleen Sullivan, Treasurer/Collector and OPEB Trust Fund Committee Member.